森林立地学会誌 森林立地51(2),2009,93103

Jpn.J.For.Environment 51(2), 93-103  2009










Kazunori Shimada and Toshio KatsukiVegetation dynamics of the early phase of forest recovery is related to microtopography after the meteorological damage in a plantation forest. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 51:93-103, 2009.

We investigated changes in tree composition between 1993 and 2006, in an abandoned plantation forest following a meteorological damage in 1986. The objective was to elucidate vegetation dynamics in the early phase of secondary succession in relation to microtopography. On the lower slope (from the lower sideslope to the channelway), almost all tree species died and scrub predominated. On the middle part of the slope (middle and lower parts of the upper sideslope), the numbers of individuals and species of evergreen trees has increased slightly; the number of individuals of the evergreen shrub Aucuba japonica increased greatly; and deciduous trees (especially pioneer trees) grew rapidly and dominated the vegetation, but there was a large decrease in the total number of species and individuals. Consequently, the community developed a simple structure consisting of a tree layer of pioneer trees and a shrub layer of A. japonica. On the upper part of the slope (the crestslope and upper part of the upper sideslope), evergreen trees of Quercus glauca dominated, but the numbers of species and individuals of deciduous trees and shrubs decreased. The differences in forest structure between the lower and middle parts of the slope were clear, but the differences between the middle and upper parts of the slope were gradual. These differences in species composition and number related to slope micro-topography became clear year after year. The results suggest that Q. glauca secondary forests has not been formed by succession from secondary forest pioneer trees.

Key Wordsabandoned forest, micro-topography, secondary forest, Quercus glauca, pioneer trees

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