森林立地学会誌 森林立地46(1), 2004, 9〜19

Jpn.J.For.Environment 46(1), 9-19 2004




石原修一*・藤本 潔**・川西基博*・渡辺 亮***・田中伸治****




 奄美大島住用川・役勝川河口に成立するマングローブ林において,植生と地形環境との対応関係を明らかにするため,2本のトランセクト沿いに地形断面測量と植生調査を行った。また,トランセクト付近の3地点に調査区を設置し,地上部および地下部炭素貯留量の見積もりを行った。マングローブ林として,メヒルギ群落とオヒルギ群落,バックマングローブ林として,サキシマスオウノキ群落が認められた。河岸側前縁部の地盤が低い立地にメヒルギ群落典型下位群落,その背後にメヒルギ群落オヒルギ下位群落もしくはオヒルギ群落典型下位群落,最高高潮位よりも低位なアナジャコ塚上にオヒルギ群落シマシラキ下位群落,最高高潮位よりも高位にまで発達した塚上にサキシマスオウノキ群落が成立しており,微地形に対応した群落タイプの違いが見られた。メヒルギ群落は地盤高 -10.0cm56.3cm,オヒルギ群落は31.5cm100.5cmの範囲に成立していた。よって,メヒルギの分布域がオヒルギよりも低位にあることが明らかになった。3地点から得られたメヒルギ林の地上部炭素貯留量は14.336.6tC/ha,深度70cmまでの地下部炭素貯留量は97.2111.2tC/haで,それぞれ,熱帯のマングローブ泥炭が堆積するRhizophora林の1020%2030%であった。このように,メヒルギ林の地下部炭素貯留量は,地上部炭素貯留量よりも大きく,他のマングローブ種同様,メヒルギ林においても地下部が炭素貯留の場として重要な役割を担っていることが明らかになった。


  Shuichi Ishihara, Kiyoshi Fujimoto, Motohiro Kawanishi, Ryo Watanabe and Shinji Tanaka : Relationship between mangrove vegetation and micro-topography, and carbon storage of Kandelia candel  (L.) Druce forests in Amami-ohshima Island, southwestern Japan.

  In order to clarify the relationship between mangrove vegetation and site environments, topographical and phytosociological surveys were carried out along the two belt transects at the mouth of Sumiyo and Yakukachi Rivers in Amami-ohshima Island. Additionally, we established three study plots to estimate above-ground and below-ground stored carbon. The results of the phytosociological procedures yielded three communities, i.e. Kandelia candel community and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza community in the mangrove forests, and Heritiera littoralis community in the back mangrove forests. In the K. candel community, typical under community was found along the fringe of river, and B. gymnorrhiza under community was found on the delta. In the B.gymnorrhiza community, typical under community was found on the delta, and Excoecaria agallocha under community was found on the mounds of mud lobster in tidal zone. Heritiera littoralis community was found on the mounds above tidal zone. It was found that the distribution of communities have close correspondence with landform units in micro scale. The distribution range along water level of K. candel was lower than that of B. gymnorrhiza. Above-ground stored carbon of the K. candel forests was estimated to be 23.5±11.7tC/ha, which is 10 to 20% of tropical mangrove forests. Below-ground one up to 70 cm in depth was estimated to be 104.0±7.1tC/ha, which is 20 to 30% of Rhizophora forests. This shows that K. candel has greater carbon strage ability on the forest floor as well as other mangrove species.

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