森林立地学会誌 森林立地44(1),2002,11〜20

Jpn.J.For.Environment 44(1),11−20 2002










  Nobuhliro Oyanagi, Rieko Urakawa, Kikuo Haibara and Hiroto Toda : The dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon in a small watershed of established Japanese cedar and cypress plantation.

  To clarify the dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) with vertical movements of rainfall in a small watershed of established Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. and Zucc.) plantation, DON, dissolved inorganic N (DIN), DOC in precipitation, throughfall, stemflow. A0-percolation, soil water, spring water and stream water were investigated. DON and DOC in order of high concentrations were in A A0-percolation>throughfall>precipitation, and was rapidly in low concentration in soil water. The concentration of DOC decreased more along spring water and stream water. Annual fluxes of DON were 5.5kgha-1  in throughfall, 1l. 1kgha-1 in A0-percolation, and only a little (under 0.9kgha-1) in stream water. Annual fluxes of DOC were 139, 185, and 6.4kgha-1, respectively. From throughfall to A0-percolation, the percentage of DON to total dissolved nitrogen (TDN= DON+ DIN) and the amount of NH4-N decreased, and the amount of NO3-N increased. The amount of DOC flux increase in throughfal1 minus A0-percolation was smaller than that in precipitation minus throughfall. These results suggested that both the productivity of DON and DOC, and the activity of microbes for decomposition and nitrification in A0-layer were high. The annual output of TDN from watershed was 13.8kgha-1, and the percentage of DON/TDN was lower than 7%. The annual output of DOC was 6.4kgha-1 , which was smaller than those from the watersheds in Europe and North America. These results suggested that DON and DOC do not play an important role in N and C discharge from stream water in the established cedar and cypress plantation forests in Japan.

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