森林立地学会誌 森林立地43(2),2001,33〜44

Jpn.J.For.Environment 43(2),33−44 2001


タイ北部Mae Chaem地方における



杉本真由美Soontorn Khamyong**・川崎圭造



 タイ北部チェンマイ郊外に位置するMae Chaem地方において,落葉フタバガキ林(Dry dipterocarp forest,以後DDFとする)と落葉樹混交林(Mixed deciduous forest,以後MDFとする)の特徴を顕著に表す林の植生と土壌の断面形態および化学的性質について調査を行った。DDFでは3056種, MDFでは2877種が確認された。DDFにおいて,フタバガキ科3種の胸高断面積が全体の75%を占めていた。一方 MDFにおいてはDDFに確認されなかったタケ類の根元断面積がヘクタールあたり26m2を占めていた。マメ科の胸高断面積が全体の41%を,クマツヅラ科が18%を占めていた。DDFではヘクタール当たりの立木本数はMDFを上回っていたが,胸高断面積はMDFの値とほぼ同じであった。DDFは極端に偏った植生で構成されており,極めて単純な林であった。一方,MDFDDFに比べて出現樹種数が多く,より複雑な林であった。土壌養分含有量は土壌断面上部に顕著な差がみられ,MDFに比ベDDFにおいて少なかった。DDFでは,調査地の上,中,下部という位置による土壌化学性の相違は認められなかったが,MDFではpH,可給態リン酸,全炭素,全窒素,置換性Caにおいて斜面下部で含有量が多く,有意な差が認められた。


  Mayumi Sugimoto, Soonton Khanyong, Keizou Kawasaki: Vegetation and some soil characteristics in the dry dipterocarp and mixed deciduous forests at Mae Chaem district, Chiang Mai, Thailand

  In order to clarify the vegetation and soil characteristics in the dry dipterocarp forest (DDF) and mixed deciduous forest (MDF) at Mae Chaem district, Chiang Mai, Thailand, fifteen quadrats (40×40m) were set up in each forest type. In DDF, 30 families, 56 tree species were identified, and the relative dominance of DIPTEROCARPACEAE was 75%. In MDF, 28 families, 77 tree species were identified and the relative dominance of LEGMINOSAE was 41%, VERVENACEAE was 18%. Though absence in DDF, bamboos Was 26m2 per hectare for stem basal area in MDF. The value of tree density in DDF was higher than that in MDF, however, the value of total basal area in DDF was lower than that in MDF. DDF was more simple stand structure as compared with MDF. Nutrient contents significantly differed in the upper soil layer among the soil profiles. DDF had lower contents of soil nutrients than MDF. In DDF, there were no differences in soil chemical properties among the three sites as upper, middle and lower on the slope. On the other hand, the pH, available P, total C content, total N content and exchangeable Ca content of the lower site at MDF was significantly higher than those of the other two sites.

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