森林立地56(2),97〜106 2014

Jpn J For Environ 56 (2), 97106, 2014





中森由美1・栗 生 2




和歌山県南部の暖温帯域に位置するスギ・ヒノキ人工林伐採跡地において,伐採年を経た若齢段階の林分構造を調査し,植生タイプによる林分特性の違いを調べた方形×m,1林分3方形区のみ5×mに出現した胸高直径1cm以上の木本類調査から,林分は微地形や伐採後年数,標高の違いによって特徴付けられた4つのタイプに分類でき(陽樹・先駆種型,常緑広葉樹T型,針葉樹型,常緑広葉樹U。アラカシ, シイ類を主とした常緑広葉樹T型は凸地形に,クスノキ,カナクギノキ,カラスザンショウを主とした陽樹・先駆種型は凹地形に分布する傾向がみられた。方形区数の多かった陽樹・先駆種型,常緑広葉樹T型において,林分の質的な回復状況を示す非先駆性高木の幹密度,胸高断面積合計,平均樹高は量的な回復状況を示す林分の胸高断面積合計が増加するほど増加した。一方,伐採後年数の増加による非先駆性高木の幹密度,胸高断面積合計の増加は みられなかった。陽樹・先駆種型および常緑広葉樹T型の植生回復は,伐採後の経過時間によって植生回復の度合 いが一律に決まるのではなく,一定量の樹木の定着・成長が見込めれば量的に回復するという点で類似していた。 伐採年経過した林分において,常緑広葉樹T型および陽樹・先駆種型は樹種の違いを除けば,非先駆性高木の定着量などの林分構造に大きな違いはないと考えられた。



Yumiko  Nakamori,  Tsuyoshi  KuriuStand  structure  after  clear-cutting  of coniferous  plantations  in  southern Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 56:97106, 2014.

 We investigated the stand structure of plantation sites clear-cut 10-24 years ago in the warm-temperate zone of southern Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. We examined differences in stand characteristics among vegetation types. In the study stands (29 study plots, mainly 10 × 10 m), the mean stem density of trees more than 1 cm in diameter at breast height were censused. Stands were classified into four types characterized by differences in micro-topography, the number of years after harvesting, and altitude: shade-intolerant and pioneer type, evergreen broad-leaved type I, conifer type, and evergreen broad-leaved type II. Evergreen broad-leaved type I (dominated by Quercus glauca and Castanopsis species) were distributed across convex topography, whereas shade-intolerant and pioneer type (mainly consisting of Cinnamomum camphora, Lindera erythrocarpa, and Zanthoxylum ailanthoides) were distributed within concave topography. In shade-intolerant and pioneer type and evergreen broad-leaved type I, the stem density, basal area and mean height of non-pioneer trees, which are indicators of qualitative recovery in the vegetation, increased with increasing stand basal area, which are indicators of quantitative development in the vegetation. However, the stem density and basal area of non-pioneer trees did not increase with increasing the number of years after cutting. These results indicate that recoveries of these two vegetation types were similar; when sufficient numbers of trees became established and grew, the vegetation recovery appeared to progress. In the study sites,the two vegetation types seemed to have similar stand structure in terms of the amount of non-pioneer trees, except the difference in individual tree species.
Key words  : Clear-cutting, evergreen broad-leaved tree, natural regeneration, pioneer species, secondary succession


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