森林立地56(1),55〜61 2014

Jpn J For Environ 56 (1), 55-61, 2014








栃木県那須岳において,過去15年間(19982012年)のハイマツの年枝長と過去10年間(20022011年)の球果痕を調べ,シュート成長と球果生産の年変動について明らかにした。また,シュート成長と気温の関係,およびシュー ト成長と着果の関係について検討した。過去15年間のシュート成長は横ばい傾向にあった。シュート成長と気温の相関解析を行った結果,当年のシュート成長は前年7月の気温と高い正の相関(r 0.77p 0.001)があり,既 往の研究結果同様に,ハイマツの伸長成長は前年夏季の気温によって規定されていると考えられた。過去10年間の 球果痕を調べた結果,豊作は1回,凶作は3回であった。着果幹率は既往の本州中部山岳の値と比較して高かった。 これは,本調査地のハイマツの生育標高が本州中部山岳と比較して低いため,厳しい気候条件が緩和され,ハイマツは種子繁殖により多くの資源を投資するためと推察された。球果生産を枝レベルでみると,着果は前年のシュー ト成長がよいほど促進される傾向にあった。一方,幹サイズに着目すると,ハイマツの球果生産能力は地際直径に 対して一山型分布をしており,樹齢と関係している可能性が示唆された。


Risa Sunaoshi, Mineaki Aizawa, Tatsuhiro OhkuboInter-annual changes in shoot growth and cone production in the Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila) at Mount Nasudake, northern Tochigi. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 56:55-61, 2014.

We investigated inter-annual changes in shoot growth and cone production in the Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila) by measuring the length of shoots every year for 15 years (1998-2012) and counting cone scars for 10 years (2002-2011) at Mount Nasudake, northern Tochigi. We also examined the relationship between inter-annual changes in shoot growth and temperature and between shoot growth and cone production. A trend test of the inter-annual change in shoot growth indicated that shoot growth almost leveled off. A correlation analysis showed that shoot growth in the current year was highly correlated with the July temperature in the preceding year, suggesting that shoot growth can be determined using the summer temperature in the preceding year, as reported previously. An examination of the cone scars showed that the past decade contained one mast year and two lean years and that the mean percentage of stems with cone scars was higher than that of pines at high elevations in central Honshu. The high number of cone scars may indicate that the pines at Mount Nasudake invest more resources in seed production because the harsh climate to which they have adapted is alleviated by the lower elevation at our study site. At the branch level, cone production may be promoted by more shoot growth in the preceding year. When we focused on the stem size, the number of cones produced showed a unimodal distribution along the diameter at the ground level, implying that cone production was related to tree age.
Key words : cone scar, length of shoot, masting, Pinus pumila, summer temperature in the preceding year


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