森林立地532),7378 2011

Jpn J For Environ 53 (2), 73–78, 2011


Spatial distribution and growth in saplings of Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae) related to conspecific adults


Tatsuyuki Seino

Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan


The spatial-temporal shifting of Kalopanax septemlobus population was examined in a cool-temperate coniferous-hardwood mixed forest, northern Japan. Saplings distributed far from the conspecific adult trees indicated clumped distribution by a small cohort. There were no specific relationships between distance from conspecific adult trees and growth traits of saplings. The saplings distributed around the conspecific adults at their early stage of regeneration, and shifted to far from the conspecific adults at late stage of regeneration.

The establishment of offspring in K. septemlobus was determined early in distribution, survived only on a preferred site, and endured until the occurrence of an unpredictable event such as a change in the canopy gap.

Key words : Araliaceae, Kalopanax septemlobus, spatial distribution





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