森林立地532),4152 2011

Jpn J For Environ 53 (2), 41–52, 2011


Threshold determination by reference to open sky overcomes photographic exposure error in indirect leaf area index estimation


Akihiro Tani1, Eriko Ito2, Masahiro Tsujino3, Makoto Araki4 and Mamoru Kanzaki1

1Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan;

2Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI), Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan;

3Research Core for Interdisciplinary, Okayama University, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan.

4FFPRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.


The hemispherical photography method is widely used to estimate the leaf area index (LAI) of forest stands. Both photographic exposure and threshold determination in producing binary images critically affect LAI estimates. To remedy LAI estimation error, we propose a series of protocols that we term the Open-sky Reference Method (ORM). ORM uses reference photographs of an open-sky area and photographs within the canopy at one-stop overexposure, relative to the reference photos. In threshold determination, the reference photograph is used as the maximum digital number classifying the open-sky area into white. In total, 14 stands of multi- or single-layered broad-leaved forests and sparse conifer forests located in the Japanese temperate zone were used to investigate the effects of photographic exposure error (or shift from an optimum value) on LAI estimated using ORM. We also compared our LAI estimates with those obtained using other photographic protocols that are more sensitive to exposure error because LAI estimates change largely in proportion to exposure shifts. ORM stabilized LAI estimates regardless of exposure shifts, indicating that ORM is tolerant of unpredictable field measurement errors and is, thus, a more practical LAI estimation method.

Key words : Digital image processing, Exposure shift, Hemispherical photography, Open-sky Reference Method


明洋,伊藤江利子,辻野昌広,荒木 誠,神崎 護:全天空写真を用いた葉面積指数推定における撮影時の露出値の重要性と全天条件基準法の提唱.森林立地5341-522011

全天空写真は林分の葉面積指数(LAI)を簡便に推定する方法として広く使われている。撮影時の露出と画像を二階調化時する際の閾値の決定はLAIの推定に決定的な影響を及ぼす。この問題を緩和するため,全天条件基準法(the Open-sky Reference Method,略称ORM)を考案した。全天条件基準法は全天条件(林外で遮蔽物が無い条件)での測光を基準に,全天条件下より1大きい(明るい)露出値に固定して林分内の全天空写真を撮影し,全天条件で撮影した写真を基準に二階調化時の閾値を決定する手法である。二階調化では全天条件で撮影した天空部の最低輝度を探索し,その値を白に割り当てる最小値とする。この手法は閾値を目視によって決定するにも関わらず,解析者に依存する値の変動が小さい特長を有する。最適露出値からの変位がLAI推定に及ぼす影響を手法間で比較するため,京都市内の14林分で全天空写真撮影を行い,全天条件基準法を含む10種類の手法で



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