森林立地 53(1),1722, 2011

Jpn J For Environ 53(1), 17-22, 2011







切り捨て間伐で林地に還元された枝条は,その多くが地面に触れず離れた状態で存在する点に注目し,間伐後の枝条の分解にともなう窒素動態を調べた。間伐で緑葉として林地に還元された窒素量は84  kg  ha-1で,その67%が地面に接地せず空中に存在していた。緑葉を入れたリターバッグを空中と地表に設置し,分解速度と分解にともなう土壌への窒素供給量を調べたところ,分解速度は設置後1年間は処理による違いはなかったが,2年後は地表で有意に速かった。残存葉の窒素含有率は設置直後から増加したが,1年後は地表の方が空中より有意に高かった。分解初期には処理に関わらず窒素を取り込み残存葉に存在する窒素量は間伐で還元された窒素量より増加した。残存葉の窒素量の増加は空中では6ヶ月後まで,地表では1年後まで続いた。分解にともなう土壌への窒素供給の開始は地表の方が空中より遅くなった。しかし,地表では1年後〜2年後の分解速度が空中より速まるため,設置後2年間の土壌への窒素供給量は空中より地表で多く,その割合は64%であった。



Keizo Hirai, Kyotaro Noguchi, Takashi Yamanaka, Shinji Kaneko and Masamichi TakahashiNitrogen supply from decomposing green needle after non-commercial thinning at a sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) stand. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 53:17−22, 2011.

Most of litter returned by non-commercial thinning was existed without contact onto the forest floor. We discussed nitrogen dynamics with decomposing litter after thinning with a focus on the site difference of litter existence in this study. The amount of nitrogen returned by thinning was 84 kg ha−1 and 67% of them were existed in the air without contact onto the floor. Litterbag containing green needles was installed in the air and on the surface in forest floor, and decomposition rate and nitrogen supply with decomposing of green needles into the soil were investigated. Decomposition rate was not differed among treatments after one year installation but was higher in the surface than the air in two year after. Nitrogen concentration in the remaining green needles was increased from just after installation in both of treatment, and was statistically higher in the surface than in the air. After decomposition, amounts of nitrogen containing in the remaining green needles were gained by immobilization until six month after in the air and one year after in the surface. Nitrogen supply into the soil with green needle decomposition started early in the air compared in the ground. Contribution of nitrogen supply into the soil from green needles installed on the surface during two years was 64%. Because decomposition rate of green needles installed on the surface between one and two year after higer than those of in the air.

Key words : air, ground, immobilization, litterbag

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