森林立地学会誌 森林立地50(2), 2008, 153〜165

Jpn.J.For.Environment 50(2), 153−165  2008




酒井佳美1)・高橋正通1)・石塚成宏1)・稲垣善之1)・松浦陽次郎1)・雲野 2)


武田 10)・相浦英春11)・山内仁人12)・島田博匡13)・岩月鉄平14)・山場淳史15)

山田隆信16)・前田 17)・室 雅道18)



 6)秋田県農林水産技術センター 森林技術センター,7)茨城県林業技術センター




 15)広島県立総合技術研究所 林業技術センター・16)山口県林業指導センター



 我が国の針葉樹人工林における切り捨て間伐時に発生する枯死木の分解速度を,間伐によって放置された材の密度低下量と,切り捨て間伐後の経過年数から算出した。分解速度は指数関数D = a exp(-kt) (D: 材密度,a: 定数,t: 時間,k: 分解定数) の分解定数kで比較した。全国15道府県で調査を行い,間伐履歴のあるスギ,ヒノキ,カラマツ,トドマツ及びアカエゾマツ林分において,倒木と根株,および立枯木の分解速度を求めた。倒木と根株は2つの直径クラス (5-15cm, 15-40cm)に分けて分解定数を求めた。樹種別に分解速度を比較すると,寒冷地に植栽されるアカエゾマツとトドマツ,カラマツは,スギやヒノキよりも分解が遅く,ほぼ同じ気候範囲に植栽されるスギとヒノキには樹種間差がなかった。形態別に比較すると,立枯木根株倒木よりも非常に分解が遅かった。倒木の5-15cmの分解定数は積算気温と実蒸発散量(AET)と正の相関を示し,小径な倒木は温暖で湿潤な地域で分解が速かった。倒木の15-40cmと根株では分解速度と気象要因との関係は不明瞭であったが,寒冷地ではほとんど分解しなかった。


Yoshimi Sakai, Masamichi Takahashi, Shigehiro Ishizuka, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Youjiro Matsuura, Akira Unno, Keisuke Nakata, Akiko Nagasaka, Hanae Niwa, Satoshi Sawata, Yoshitaka Houjyou, Yasuhiko Tamaki, Tamami Kasetani, Hiroshi Takeda, Hideharu Aiura, Masato Yamanouchi, Hiromasa Shimada, Teppei Iwatsuki, Atsushi Yamaba, Takanobu Yamada, Hajime Maeda and Masamichi Muro: Estimating decay rates of dead wood by changes in wood density in coniferous plantations in Japan

 Decay rates of dead wood after non-commercial thinning, i.e., fallen logs, stumps, and snags, in plantation forests were estimated from changes in wood density over time. Decay rates were compared using the decay constant k of the exponential function (D = a exp(–kt), where D: wood density, a: a constant, t: time, k: decay constant). The plots examined were in 15 prefectures from the north to the south of Japan, and contained five dominant planted species: Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Larix kaempferi, Picea glehnii, and Abies sachalinensis. Decay rates of fallen logs and stumps were estimated separately for two diameter classes: 5–15 cm and 15–40 cm. The decay rates of P. glehnii, A. sachalinensis, and L. kaempferi, which are planted in relatively cool regions, were slower than those of C. japonica and C. obtusa. No significant difference in decay rates was found between C. japonica and C. obtusa planted in a similar climate range. The decay rates of snags were very slow, followed by stumps and fallen logs. The decay rates of fallen logs with a diameter of 5–15 cm had a significant positive relationship with cumulative temperature and actual evapotranspiration, suggesting that smaller-diameter fallen logs decay faster in warmer, humid regions. However, no clear relationships between decay rates and climate conditions were found in fallen logs of 15–40 cm diameter or in stumps, but very slow decay rates were found in cool regions.

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