森林立地学会誌 森林立地43(2),2001,45〜52

Jpn.J.For.Environment 43(2),45−52 2001





  横尾謙一郎*****。水久保孝英******・前迫 俊一*******・漢那 賢作********






 九州地区での雨水のpHはいずれも酸性を示しており,pH 5.6以下の雨水が観測された地点は80%以上であった。また,北部九州で降水のpHが低い傾向にあった。全国と比較して,Cl-NO3-SO42- Kが低かった。他の成分に違いは見られなかった。土壌のpHは九州では平均5.1で,全国の平均とほぼ同じであった。土壌のpHは九州北部で低く,南部で高い傾向にあった。土壌の交換性(CaMgK)は全国の平均より低かった。また,交換性Alは土壌のpH5.2以下になると直線的に増加する傾向が見られた。湿性土壌や火山灰を起源とする土壌でpH,交換性のKCaMg濃度が高く,酸性雨に対する緩衝能が高いと考えられた。スギ林とヒノキ林では,ヒノキ林でpHや交換性塩基濃度が低かったが,これは立地的な要因によると考えられた。森林の衰退は全体の2%であり,それも軽微な衰退であった。


Shigeyuki Sasaki, Yasunari Kuwahara, Tatsumi Takamiya, Kenichi Harumi, Kenichiro Yoko, Takahide Mizukubo, Shunichi Maesako, Kensaku Kan-na : Characteristics of Kyushu area at the monitoring for acid precipitation, forest soil and forest decline in Japan.

  Monitoring survey for acid precipitation, forest soil, and also forest decline has been carried out for five years since 1990 all over Japan. A monitoring survey site was placed at each 20km×20km. The rain water was collected for 10 days in June (rainy season). Survey of forest decline degree and soil profile were also carried out. Chemical property of rain water and soil was analyzed. In this report, the characteristics of rain water, forest soil and forest decline in Kyushu area in this period were summarized.

  As for pH value of rainwater, at over 80% of sampling sites the pH value showed below pH5.6. In Kyushu area the ion concentrations of Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and K+ in rain water were lower than the average of all over Japan. The average values of soil pH in Kyushu was 5.1 and was mostly the same with the other area of Japan. The soil pH was lower in northern Kyushu than in southern Kyushu. The average concentration of exchangeable base cation (K + Ca + Mg) of soil in Kyushu was lower than that in the other area. In the case that the soil pH value was lower than pH 5.2, the concentration of exchangeable Al in soils increased with the decrease of soil pH. The decline of forest was very few in Kyushu area.

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