森林立地学会誌 森林立地38(1),1996,20〜27


論 文





眞 田 悦 子・塩 崎 正 雄 ・高 橋 正 通





Etsuko SANADA, Masao SHIOZAKI, and Masamichi TAKAHASHI: Monitoring of Soil properties after Typhoon damage in 1954 in the Daisetsu mountains, Hokkaido, northern Japan.

Soil changes after a catastrophic blowdown of coniferous forest, due to a typhoon in 1954, have been monitored for approximately 40 years. Monitoring sites were established in locations where the vegetation and soil had been surveyed 2 years before the typhoon. The type of humus layer, soil pH, carbon and exchangeable Ca concentration were monitored approximately every 4 years. Humus type of Mor and Moder sites changed to Mull type within 6 years after the typhoon, but the Mull type sites did not change their humus type during the observation period. Soil pH, carbon, and exchangeable Ca concentration had been increasing after the typhoon in Moder and Mor type sites. These trends began to decrease 14-22 years after the typhoon. The changes of these chemical properties in Mull sites were small and a clear trend of changes could not be detected. We suggest that those chemical changes detected were caused by a decomposition of humus layers after the typhoon and an accumulation of organic layer with recovering forest vegetation. Another several decades might be necessary for recovery of the soil properties similar to the pre-disturbance level.

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