森林立地学会誌 森林立地36(2), 1994, 31〜40


論 文




伊 藤   哲・中 村 太 士





Satoshi ITO and Futoshi NAKAMURA : Forest disturbance and regeneration in relation to earth surface movement  

Disturbance by various types of earth surface movement are characterized from a viewpoint of vegetation recovery to Clarify their roles in forest dynamics. The earth surface movement refers to erosional processes and mass movement such as debris flow, landslide etc., which provide heterogeneous habitats consisting of several scoured (or denudation) and deposited zones. These scoured (or denudation) and deposited zones are the principal components of the earth surface movement to explain vegetation patterns and species diversity of forests. The disturbance intensity by earth surface movement can be graded from the forest floor less intensive to the canopy layer intensive. The effects of earth suface movement on modification of forest structure or promotion of regeneration habitats vary according to its intensity. We compared the disturbance by the earth surface movement with the other types of disturbance and generalized their roles in forest dynamics, by evaluating their effects based on the following three aspects: 1) physical intensity of destruction, 2) environmental changes for tree growth and recovery, and 3) modification of the succeeding disturbance regime. Variations in the effects of forest disturbance are one of the predominant factors controlling structural diversity such as species richness. Therefore, the wide ranges in size, intensity and degree of forest disturbance by the earth surface movement significantly contribute to increase structural diversity. Further studies on spatio-temporal distribution of earth surface movement are needed to interpret long-term effects on dynamics and stability of forests.

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